the makeups are ready, so are we. we will take a good fight, and put a good show
bryan is all ready..thumb up
me? ahh..i play a real minor role in this drama...but i'm ready too
wen sen and chris forever ready to put up a good show.
guys, here i am introducing this new couple(in the drama only) to u, Mr Jason Bond and Shean Darling
and here, sally is also expected to put up a good show so we could all win...
WE SHALL REIGN!!! The competition is actually tomorrow that is the 17th of July...that why i should be sleeping by now...zzZZZZ
Hey there... though we did not win but i am glad we still participated! In God's eyes, we won!!! :)
It was a great show! Everyone said so!
yup, Sally. Although we did not win the competition but we did win back our dignity!
hey guys, yeah i do agree. we did not win, but we and people know we had put up a good show. when u talk about fair, we should have wont. WE KNOW WE DID VERY VERY WELL!
nobody in d drama team plays a minor role, v r all equally important~!!
okay okay fine..but my role really a minor more i joined in so late....haiz...we should have win it
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