finally i could almost get Bill Gates of my life, i dun need to steal his income like wat most of my friends do. Why pay for Window which cost a bomb? Getting a legal EULA is not wrong but wat most of ur do is go lowyat plaza and pay RM5 for a illegal version? why steal ppl's income? Here is a solution which i am using on how not to steal, the Bible did told us not to STEAL! Dude, Change ur mindset pls.
Right now i am a Linux User, mayb u dun know what is LINUX. kk. Basically linus is also an Operating system like Window XP is juz that most of them are free and open source. FREE!
The distro i am currectly using is Ubuntu, here a screenshot

from now on, Window user if u need help pls refer to
wensen, i dun quite like window. trying to get my life free of it.
FYI, Bill Gates is ROBBING my income, if u dunno tat...
how do he rob ur income? u have a choice not to use his expensive products
hey, no everyone knows how to use Linux u cannot blame people on "stealing" his income. Whether u like it or not, this is reality. Life goes on!
I am a Linux nob. So BLAME me?
Wah...Calvin u got so much feedbacks.....not like my feedback at all....better close it....
hmm...sen, i also dun expect so many feedback, it may be from the same person.
okay, born come out know how to eat rice, born come out know how to use computer? all this also need to learn one mar...u think i born come out know how to use LINUX ady ah? got to learn one, in order to learn and master it, i had put it much effort. If dun know how to use LINUX why steal microsoft's income? same thing, if cant find work, work it urself, why go and steal ppl's income? isnt it wrong to steal? there is no excuse to steal, dun know how to use is not an excuse to steal. Pray to God that God will speak to u, that u will take in effort to learn it like how u learn to eat when u were small. No pain, no gain, remember, NEVER STEAL. and no one to blame, blame urself for not putting in enough effort. All things are possible with God, Amen!
dun know how to use LINUX then use WINDOW lar..who ask u to use LINUX when ur life get so difficult? use WINDOW provided u own a legal license, that means dun support illegal. Cant afford? that is another problem, find solution like using Linux, Unix or Solaries. If i am not mistaken, u could get a window XP pro at students price for less than RM400
Most of d companies use Windows, u can't blame us using pirated version bcoz it's 2 xpensive n v're forced 2 bcoz of work.
Plus, learning how 2 use another programme like Linux nits time n not evry1 has tat much time 2 spend on learning a new programme like tat. Especially when u r not required 2 use tat during work.
hmm...ur company would be more than happy if u could perform and use linux as ur work based, u could save them more than 1000 of dollars. Company uses window bacoz many ppl either more than willing to pay microsoft or they cant efford and so they steal. More than 70% of viruses are made to attack Window system, thus, linux is obviously a safer system.
I dun have problem with Window, many Linux pro (or rather all) they could use Window even thought they did not touch it for years. Like me, i use Linux at home, school use Window, do u aspect me to request school to put a linux system juz for me? Later in life, i belive linux will be stronger than Window. currently Linux population is growing and Window is falling, i dun see any disadvantage in learning Linux. As i said, if its too expensive and u cant afford, dun steal, do it the right way, use other alternative. In God's sight, its never right to steal under any circumstances
S u said, Windows is easier 2 use~
Y do bz officers in d companies stress their time on using another software tat is HARDER den Windows when u can save time n energy wif Windows.
No doubt using Linux can save d companies' money, but u muz noe tat in any acc, finishing d work fast n accurate earns u more money den d RM 1000 u spent more on Microsoft~
alright, actually Linux is not difficult to use if u started learning computer with Linux. Indeed if u only learn Linux and not window, u may think that window is more difficult. the problem today is that many school teach their students Window, they do not support Linux. in reality, Linux is opensource and thus it could do more things that what Microsoft offer. As for me, what the company do is alright, they pay for what they get. But u all dint, u all steal to get what u want. Go and buy a legal one then it is alright.
let say, if every company also use this roller with arm rest chair which cost RM600 and this chair could keep the worker awake and thus increase their performance. and so u also got use to this chair becoz u use it in the company and u desire to use one at ur home but u cant afford. so is it right to go to the shop and steal one of this chair so u could use it at home?
I won't steal tat chair.
I save money 2 buy it.
I can't save money 2 buy Windows bcoz...
I nit it NOW, like IMMEDIATELY.
Like u said, even skul teachers teaches students 2 use Windows instead of Linux. Tis shows how important tat programme is.
Ppl dun teach sumthing 4 nth, they xpect u 2 use it in d future.
If evry company n skul suddenly realises tat Linux is better n starts using it. D price of Linux will b higher n ppl will hav d tendency 2 copy it illegally.
No doubt tat d same thing abt Windows is going 2 happen if Linux is s famous n widely used s Windows.
hey, it it legal to copy linux. based on linux distribution agreement u r welcome to edit and make changes to it and redistribute it. its legal.
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